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录像名称|Name: YellOw Rep Pack(452 Games)
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录象大小|Size: 49,919K
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录象类型|Type: Rep Pack专集
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75 comment(s) total. 3 page(s). >> 1|2|3|
l(31)myhook(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 10:06:22 l  CHINA l Posts: 398
晕  2页了.....
l(32)bibber(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 10:30:19 l  sAviOr[gm] l Posts: 169
l(33)帅哥爱号(威望:32) l 2006-12-12 10:30:20 l  真男人用脚打星际 l Posts: 3162
为什么不加上 vs super 0:2
l(34)overu3(威望:-1) l 2006-12-12 10:56:18 l  Montreal l Posts: 11
l(35)Lovemyself(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 11:01:34 l  jiangsu l Posts: 1
l(36)J_Cruise(威望:32) l 2006-12-12 11:42:38 l  武汉 l Posts: 995
Deprecated: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/yy8da.com/yaoyuan.com/include/func_common.php on line 130 (此评论最后由管理员CoBeT[NcL]执行操作:警告用户,威望减3)

Originally posted by 帅哥爱号 at 2006-12-12 10:30:20:
为什么不加上 vs super 0:2

l(37)smallr(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 12:01:33 l  sc l Posts: 143
l(38)Everywhere(威望:-1) l 2006-12-12 12:15:34 l  武汉 l Posts: 39
没什么好说的   顶啊!
l(39)CoBeT[NcL](威望:41) l 2006-12-12 12:15:40 l  Tsinan l Posts: 494
Deprecated: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/yy8da.com/yaoyuan.com/include/func_common.php on line 130
Originally posted by 帅哥爱号 at 2006-12-12 10:30:20:
为什么不加上 vs super 0:2

l(40)CoBeT[NcL](威望:41) l 2006-12-12 12:16:36 l  Tsinan l Posts: 494
Deprecated: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/yy8da.com/yaoyuan.com/include/func_common.php on line 130
Originally posted by J_Cruise at 2006-12-12 11:42:38:

l(41)天水清风jay(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 12:25:41 l  中国 l Posts: 9
l(42)wobushiyaya(威望:2) l 2006-12-12 12:40:19 l  8544 l Posts: 42
YELLOW与SUPER的比赛客观的说 YELLOW 没认真打打的很随意 SUPER赢YELLOW地图很关键这几个地图在韩国职业联赛都没有 而SUPER打比赛几乎都是这几张地图 而且SUPER已经是韩国小强的实力 YELLOW的大意SUPER状态其好 输的也在情理之中了
l(43)mop.disk(威望:2) l 2006-12-12 13:03:05 l  南京 l Posts: 95
用bwchart过滤了一遍,这个rep pack里总文件数为444个,和标题的452个好象有点出入。


不过看得出录象发布员同志还是有进步的,才27.7%而已,比起一个月前发布的NaDa 1001 rep pack里重复数高达402个,重复率40.16%,已经是很大的进步了!

l(44)咄咄(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 13:08:36 l  四川成都 l Posts: 70
老黄的  顶起~
l(45)dong1024(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 13:17:35 l  shaoguan l Posts: 10
l(46)dkfalcon(威望:1) l 2006-12-12 13:24:55 l  Urumqi l Posts: 45
l(47)brutal8118(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 13:25:52 l  江苏常州 l Posts: 247
l(48)dkfalcon(威望:1) l 2006-12-12 13:30:11 l  Urumqi l Posts: 45
l(49)blue-myj.love(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 13:39:03 l  beijing l Posts: 9
l(50)luoztoss(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 14:00:35 l  天外飞拱 l Posts: 306
it is first to be announced by the fans of the andylau:at see over this son hereafter word by word and sentence by sentence, my heart can''t be calm once in a very long while, shocking!why would like a son that like?!many years in bbs in horizontal network in my life , from thinking any further can''t there is any a son can move me, have never thought to come in sight of such ingenious and incomparable like this an a son today. floor lord, is you let me comprehending the‘someone outside the person profoundly, there is day outside the day'' this words.thank you ! at see over this son hereafter, i did not replies immediately, because i fear me the vulgar replies unbearablely will compromise this net last rare a son.but i replied still, because feel if can''t leave behind at the such fascinating a son own net, that i die too can''t the purpose of name !can leave own net an a matter for is how pride behind at the such fascinating a son!floor lord, beg your pardon my selfish! i know that describe the floor lord you with the how gorgeous words regardless the fascinating degree of a son is all not enough, is all hypocritical, so i think only of to say a:your a son is too good-looking!i would like to the lifetime sees the bottom! this son conceives outline novel, the topic has the mental strategy only, the paragraph is clear, details , fall the rise and fall, the main line is clear, fascinating, mild the extraordinary literature from bottom inside, is witty it may be said, a classic, is a model that my generation should the study. in regard to the angle of the cloak-and-dagger art, this son do not calculate too successful, but it of the experiment is however the far far larger than in meaning the success oneself.positive so-called:" a the horse dashes about, shooting the birds lead the bow, the world is all in my heart!" floor lord really not the is to has boundary new generation to open the mountain strange! i will have disappointed to this community originally, feeling that this community had no the prospect, the in the mind is filled with the woe.but saw your this son, let me producing the hope to the community again.is a fire that you let my in the mind set alight the hope afresh, is you make my heart cold ashes burn again, is you rescued me a stirs the cool stiring the cool heart! i decide originally and can''t return to any a son in the community, but saw your a son, it is what must return that i tell the oneself this son!this is once-in-a-lifetime o.k. stick!heaven contain eye, let me getting the such fascinating and incomparable a son at the excellent the can view in year that living! floor lord, you want to continue diligent!you are the hope of the community!
l(51)qq+sc(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 14:20:08 l  hainan l Posts: 111
yao kkk
l(52)GloBe_keiKO(威望:13) l 2006-12-12 14:57:04 l  BuSan l Posts: 191
vs Boxer 15:21
l(53)GloBe_keiKO(威望:13) l 2006-12-12 14:59:26 l  BuSan l Posts: 191
Deprecated: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/yy8da.com/yaoyuan.com/include/func_common.php on line 130
Originally posted by mop.disk at 2006-12-12 13:03:05:
用bwchart过滤了一遍,这个rep pack里总文件数为444个,和标题的452个好象有点出入。



而且好多是NADA用P...即使对P USER也没什么意义
l(54)jiangfei1030(威望:1) l 2006-12-12 16:23:42 l  湖北 l Posts: 108
别再说什么yellow,boxer老了之类的话了,无所谓老不老的,新人辈出,大牌低迷是很正常的,看了对super 的那第一盘,yellow的飞龙操作还是那么赏心悦目,怎么能叫老了??都怀疑是太小看super,大意了才输的,暴风的实力,稍微有点星际年龄的人都不会去怀疑的~~~~
l(55)笨狗爱学习(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 16:26:30 l  长沙 l Posts: 40
l(56)olive26(威望:1) l 2006-12-12 16:58:46 l  Archangel l Posts: 98
l(57)wobushiyaya(威望:2) l 2006-12-12 17:19:48 l  8544 l Posts: 42
YELLOW 今天赢得漂亮啊
l(58)kid82(威望:2) l 2006-12-12 19:19:02 l  广东 l Posts: 130
l(59)sdsdaddjiayi(威望:0) l 2006-12-13 00:13:32 l  GZ l Posts: 115
l(60)sdsdaddjiayi(威望:0) l 2006-12-13 00:14:21 l  GZ l Posts: 115
75 comment(s) total. 3 page(s). >> 1|2|3|
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