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录像名称|Name: [RED]NADA\Rat\sutda vs kaka\SwissDol\nana (ZZP vs PPZ)
更新时间|Date Added:
录像版本|SC Version: [1.13]
The Hunter
录象大小|Size: 116k
录象种族|Races: 3v3
录象类型|Type: 高手录象
Map Name: The Hunters-KPGA
Date Played: 2005-12-28 09:12:58
Length of Game: 08:30
- Name Race APM HotKey
Player1 An.nana Zerg 174 8%
Player2 UnknOwn.NaDa Zerg 357 55%
Player3 An.kaka Protoss 235 29%
Player4 Mtm- Terran 69 0%
Player5 SwissDoL Protoss 213 33%
Player6 unknown.sutda Zerg 253 27%
Player7 UnknOwn.Rat Protoss 265 36%
This replay analyzer was made possible thanks to the kind help from Saro and JCA (http://www.bwchart.com)
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上传者|Uploader: GgOo
下载统计|Popularity: 今日点击:2 本周点击:6 总点击:20375
录像评分|Vote: 1 人投票,平均 8
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34 comment(s) total. 2 page(s). >> 1|2|
l(31)mysee(威望:0) l 2006-02-23 17:06:25 l  Beijing l Posts: 13
l(32)surea(威望:0) l 2006-02-23 17:18:25 l  江苏 l Posts: 22
l(33)帅哥爱号(威望:32) l 2006-02-23 18:03:20 l  真男人用脚打星际 l Posts: 3162
l(34)酷酷boy(威望:7) l 2006-02-23 19:01:42 l  南京~ l Posts: 2719
34 comment(s) total. 2 page(s). >> 1|2|
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