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录像名称|Name: 关于apm的提高(看韩国职业选手写的星际训练书有感)
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103 comment(s) total. 4 page(s). >> 1|2|3|4|
l(91)lonelymonk95(威望:3) l 2005-12-19 09:47:24 l  暂时没有 l Posts: 5
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l(92)psiitoy(威望:0) l 2006-01-01 14:53:34 l  BJ l Posts: 1
l(93)沉思界(威望:0) l 2006-01-16 15:09:59 l  上海 l Posts: 5
l(94)sdkll(威望:0) l 2006-02-21 16:32:14 l  China l Posts: 9
l(95)SHINRA(威望:0) l 2006-06-11 23:08:57 l  ISLAND, The l Posts: 2
向25楼的鼓掌! 一手地道的英国伦敦腔
l(96)jiangfei1030(威望:1) l 2006-08-17 19:23:26 l  湖北 l Posts: 108
l(97)lucker_flyer(威望:0) l 2006-09-18 11:05:59 l  广东广州 l Posts: 20
but the consciousness of the battle situaion is much more important.
l(98)NewLoVe(威望:0) l 2006-11-21 16:40:00 l  NewLoVe l Posts: 2

有同感呢~干脆每天练发烧~发到抽筋 手就应该很快了吧~呵呵
l(99)vickiSwallow(威望:0) l 2006-12-12 01:54:37 l  重庆 l Posts: 53
我晕 遥远建议开英语补习班 一边学战术 菜鸟跟着学英语`
l(100)blue_snow(威望:0) l 2007-03-30 09:51:29 l  china l Posts: 23
l(101)onlyzerg(威望:0) l 2007-04-21 08:04:38 l  wuhan l Posts: 5
APM --- the eternal topic of SC
The answer about how to improve APM (written after reading Korean pro-scer’s books which is about how to improve levels of SC)
Remember that, improving the APM which doesn’t mean press “Move” like crazy, or change your selected targets constantly. Actually, it means you should complete as many as possible effective actions within a certain period. While you are playing a game, you should remind yourself all the time to think about these actions which include the following several aspects:
1. Training workers, such as drones, probes or SCVs, and don’t forget to send them to work!
2. Building overloads/supplies/pylons.
3. Training the army.
4. Conducting the frontline combat.
5. Expansion.
6. Reconnaissance.

APM is used for achieving the six aspects most quickly, of course, it’s on the premise of you remember them :) You have to let yourself shuttle between the six aspects. When you can do this naturally, your APM must be reaching a very high height already, more than 200 is very easy, 300+ is not that easy to achieve, however, as long as your cerebellum and talent is good enough and you could practice much. 400+ is very difficult to attain, so it’s no wonder that there are very few SCers who can get APM 400+ now. By my reckoning, maybe only the users of Terran which has the most complex micro operations can attain APM 400+. As I’ve seen, only Nada and kyo can get that height freely.
  It’s no doubt that APM is important in SC, but consciousness and being aware of whole situation are more important. They are related as parts and entirety according to Theory of Marxism Philosophy. The importance of entirety is greater than that of simple sum of each single part.
  Lots of Scers inquired the methods of improving APM, here I’ve answered in unison.

The explanation for shifting the selected army frequently, setting concentrated locale repeatedly, and framing workers constantly in 1st VOD:
1. Framing workers and setting concentrate locale are for making the players get used to the feeling of high APM in the later period, avoiding of lacking APM.
2. Selecting workers faster to escape if they are being assaulted
3. We all know that the battles are changing constantly in the middle and later stages; frequently setting the concentrated locale is for accustoming players to ordering the fresh army to move to the frontline rapidly.
4. Shifting the selected army constantly is for knowing their HP and extent of loss, formation of fresh units so that they can arrival at the frontline soon.
l(102)YYS00X(威望:0) l 2007-04-27 02:39:37 l  常熟 l Posts: 4
l(103)TANG_BO_HU(威望:0) l 2007-05-16 21:26:03 l  重庆 l Posts: 2
103 comment(s) total. 4 page(s). >> 1|2|3|4|
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