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录像名称|Name: Sea.FinePix vs KizOo_Creo
更新时间|Date Added:
录像版本|SC Version: [1.13]
录象大小|Size: 104k
录象种族|Races: TvZ
录象类型|Type: 高手录象
Game Date: 09.Apr.2005
Game Duration: 00:17:53
Player Name APM
Player 1 Sea.FinePix 297
Player 2 KizOo_Creo 348
录象介绍|Descriptions: 隐藏介绍(hide Descriptions)
上传者|Uploader: kdash
下载统计|Popularity: 今日点击:1 本周点击:1 总点击:3955
录像评分|Vote: 1 人投票,平均 10
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l(28)xing219(威望:101) l 2005-07-07 12:36:36 l  广州 l Posts: 447


30 comment(s) total. 1 page(s). >> 1|
l(1)meetsea(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 17:55:53 l  smth l Posts: 934
[Last edit: 2005-07-06 18:21:50]
l(2)更新员kdash(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 17:56:16 l  南京 l Posts: 334
l(3)my.qlzx(威望:2) l 2005-07-06 17:57:33 l  china l Posts: 106
kdash ,你太不厚道了!
l(4)卖血玩星际(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 17:59:32 l  JXSA l Posts: 201
l(5)MisSilent(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 17:59:40 l  China l Posts: 20
l(6)my.qlzx(威望:2) l 2005-07-06 18:00:46 l  china l Posts: 106

l(7)liuminpeng(威望:2) l 2005-07-06 18:01:10 l  shanxi l Posts: 168
l(8)wxzbnu(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 18:04:08 l  [email protected] l Posts: 28
l(9)my.qlzx(威望:2) l 2005-07-06 18:04:46 l  china l Posts: 106
l(10)To.AsH(威望:2) l 2005-07-06 18:07:37 l  马来西亚 l Posts: 115
我也要更新员的标志, 谁可以给我啊?
l(11)上嘴唇(威望:2) l 2005-07-06 18:10:26 l  黑E-冀A-蒙B l Posts: 162
l(12)ArtOf@rrOw(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 18:16:00 l  N/A l Posts: 851
meetsea 不厚道啊 吐口水 挖哈哈1
l(13)GraceTerran(威望:17) l 2005-07-06 18:19:02 l  ShangHai PR China l Posts: 104
l(14)MannerProXellos(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 18:45:28 l  Tucson.Matiz l Posts: 104
l(15)森林一木(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 18:49:36 l  湖南 l Posts: 25
l(16)帅ZerG哥(威望:7) l 2005-07-06 18:59:54 l  TheMarine[yY] l Posts: 390
l(17)deng838o(威望:1) l 2005-07-06 19:03:20 l  哈尔滨 l Posts: 374
l(18)添财小弟(威望:3) l 2005-07-06 19:24:38 l  华北电力大学哈. l Posts: 178
l(19)lalpina(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 19:48:01 l  湖北武汉 l Posts: 24


l(20)爱媳妇儿(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 20:20:44 l  北京   =C.p=weiyao l Posts: 1635
zc kdash搞rep
l(21)阿飞(威望:2) l 2005-07-06 20:46:12 l  <marquee>QT>LY>SH l Posts: 253
l(22)serh111(威望:0) l 2005-07-06 22:16:03 l  ccccc l Posts: 4
l(23)zhangxu502(威望:21) l 2005-07-06 22:34:34 l  成都 l Posts: 448
l(24)snoopymiao(威望:0) l 2005-07-07 01:42:02 l  USA l Posts: 5
good news:
WGTour is back!     ErkenBrand    

As we announced, WGTour took a break for a while so we could fix bugs, as well  as work on an improvement for our current ladder system. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide these changes any time soon. This is why our ladder still isn’t perfect and finally up.  There’s still some bugs, but we have a great admin team to help out for anything that goes wrong. We have decided to start the ladder season 12 without the new improvements based on the popular vote to start a season.  Why are we doing this?  We feel it’s better to give you, the gamers, the choice, and more than half of the people want to have a season before we are done with our changes.  Soon our ladder will open, and anybody who is intrested in playing can enter this Monday, May 30th, 2005.

Furthermore we are discontinuing the H flag policy. It was originally brought in because of the vast number of hackers creating smurf accounts, this was a measure to stop them from creating new accounts and give them a chance to redeem them selves as well as get a chance to play in peace. The H flag was a mear precaution for anyone wanting to game them to be cautious. But with the introduction of BWScanner, this has become redundant. Because of this we are no longer granting users a second chance if caught hacking. Also all current H flaggers will be granted amnesty.

In the new season, BWScanner will still be mandatory, as well as we use the op channels: op wgt-1 -2 -3 -4 and wgt-2v2
Also, on and off, admins will go to channel op wgt-help to help out users in need.

We are planning to expand the importance of your voice in the future. We will make decisions more and more based on what you guys think, regarding as many thinkable aspects on WGTour as possible.
We have undertaken a string of internal changements and reorganisation, our organisation is now more dynamic and is ready for a new season.

At the moment, the WGTour-team is going through some major changes. All this is meant to make us able the best to serve you. First of all, we are recruiting webmasters, so our site is more bugfree, more up to date and more innovative.
As  1410)Ilintar    is really busy lately, one of our new webmasters  Stormer      has become more and more important, as he is the most active webmaster at the moment. Together with  Skav  and the superadmin team, they contact possible new webmasters.

Then the Superadmin team itself has undergone some changes as well. First of all,  choblar  who has meant a lot for WGTour in the past 2,5 years, is retiring.  choblar  Was our head and inspiration for a long time, therefore we have decided that he holds all his powers, but not his function. In that way, he can still check upon us and make sure we are going the right way.

Also,  RetiredPlutO  has left us quite some time ago already. Pluto has meant a great deal for WGTour in the past, as he worked himself up to superadmin.  RetiredPlutO  will be missed very much in the community, in which he did a great deal administrating.

choblar  will be replaced as headadmin by  ErkenBrand   , also  Dknight  is added to the superadmin team. All the superadmin responsibilities (Ladder and news) of  choblar  and  RetiredPlutO  will be taken over by the remaining superadmins.

Also, we’d like to welcome  anon    to the WGTour-team, who will help us supply wgtour with new replays.

We’re waiting to serve you, like always.
~WGTour Administration Team!
l(25)keakon(威望:47) l 2005-07-07 02:25:51 l  YY611 l Posts: 1145
Deprecated: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/yy8da.com/yaoyuan.com/include/func_common.php on line 130
Originally posted by 更新员kdash at 2005-07-06 17:56:16:

l(26)xing219(威望:101) l 2005-07-07 12:21:54 l  广州 l Posts: 447
l(27)kkgmalu(威望:19) l 2005-07-07 12:30:02 l  hn&sc l Posts: 172
l(28)xing219(威望:101) l 2005-07-07 12:36:36 l  广州 l Posts: 447
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l(29)waterflash(威望:1) l 2005-07-07 17:00:50 l  福州大学 l Posts: 80

l(30)非鱼子仙(威望:-2) l 2005-07-08 17:55:52 l  武汉 l Posts: 167
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