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录像名称|Name: 星际初学者指南--让你告别菜鸟称呼
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5。前期尽早探路,中后期不断侦查。如果说一个人想打得稳,他就必须知道对手的开局。是8bb?9D?还是Zealot/Cannon Rush?初期做好尽早的侦查是有必要的。尤其当你还是一个初学者,没有达到随机应变的时候,更应该尽早出去探路。了解对手的开局。才能想好对策。



2)此时,你已经在操作上有了一定的提高。你要开始熟悉各种战术。现在你可以登陆浩方,进入菜鸟乐园。自己建立地图,比如你可以叫“1v1 cainiao jin”。这时候,你要密切注意给你的几个方针。尤其是将钱用尽这一条。将自己的资源最大限度的用在造兵上。每一局都要保存replay,这时候,看replay不是说你战术运用得得当与否。而是看你是否做到了前面所说的五点。每次都要减少自己在五大原则上犯的错误。


3)现在,你的操作已经达到了一定的水平。应该可以了解各种各样的战术了。战术是建立在操作之上的。这里所说的操作是广义的,有微操作和宏观的,比如造农民和生产兵之上。宏观操作练习到位之后,就可以运用某些战术来攻克对手。这个时候,你可以在HF里面建立地图,名字可以直接写“1v1 in”或者“1v1 good in”。

这个阶段,你可以练习各种不同的战术。比如8bb(TvZ),1vf1vs(TvP),2vf(TvP),1vf2base(TvP),1vf2vs(TvT)/Zealot Rush(PvT,PvZ),Reaver Rush,Dark Rush/9d,12d2base刚开始学战术,你可以参考高手们的replay。注意以下几点:



















2。下载Boxer,Nada,Xellos,Yellow等人的第一视角VOD。网上还有Nada的带键盘的VOD。下载方法:在http://www.google.com上搜索“Boxer 第一视角 VOD 下载”。当然你也可以把Boxer换成其他人的名字,会出现一系列的下载链接。如果你是Terran玩家,推荐你下载Boxer的DVD版本的VOD。

























    2。如果所有的兵营都在造兵,而你还是多了资源, 那你就继续造兵营






  当你开始问自己“我接下来造什么呢?”的时候,就是你该出去侦查的时候了。刚开始的探路,显得尤为重要。一方面,对于新地图,你要通过探路了解地图的地形。是岛图吗?路口在哪儿?等等。其次你可以通过探路知道对手的位置,对手的种族,对手的前期发展。而探路的重点就在于你要清楚对手的开局,如果对手存心让你探不到他主基地的情况,比如派农名挡在路口,那么十有八九他在攀科技出阴招。比如dark rush等等。


  对地图的了解,也是取胜的关键因素。地形,近点,远点,可以阴对手的地方等等都是值得考虑的因素。因为在不同的地图上,战术也是有变化的。要打好星际,就必须对地图作一番研究。推荐你开启Single Player模式,选择好种族后,用强行攻击模式测量地图上各兵种之间的射程关系。




   rush有很多战术。T的8bb,Z的9d,5d(>_<正规比赛一般不多见这种战术,但是也不是说没有),P的BP Rush,2probe rush,等等。可以参看Boxer vs Yellow的几场VOD。你可以在google中搜索“星际争霸 rush”就可以得到很多关于rush的资料。




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    本文中的很多思想来自英文版本的Beginner's Guide to PLAYING StarCraft

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83 comment(s) total. 3 page(s). >> 1|2|3|
l(1)zmy521(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 22:33:20 l  N/A l Posts: 1205
l(2)zmy521(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 22:33:20 l  N/A l Posts: 1205
l(3)太委屈(威望:2) l 2005-05-09 22:34:03 l  河北 l Posts: 87
l(4)太委屈(威望:2) l 2005-05-09 22:34:59 l  河北 l Posts: 87
l(5)phantom.com(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 22:35:29 l  地球 l Posts: 23
l(6)orbb(威望:-1) l 2005-05-09 22:42:31 l  hk l Posts: 133
l(7)Archer_T(威望:2) l 2005-05-09 22:43:18 l  上海 l Posts: 90
l(8)hww19(威望:43) l 2005-05-09 22:45:38 l  sd l Posts: 555
l(9)Cr~mirror(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 22:46:29 l  深圳 l Posts: 85
l(10)zhouhao567(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 22:48:22 l  Fields below are opt l Posts: 105
l(11)偶是dudu(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 22:50:12 l  无锡 l Posts: 22
l(12)hww19(威望:43) l 2005-05-09 22:50:17 l  sd l Posts: 555
Beginner's Guide to PLAYING STARCRAFT | 7/25/2003 6:10:06 PM GMTDT            

Dear reader,

Here's a compilation of tips for beginners who are interested in learning basic principles behind Starcraft. The post is long but you don't need to read every part to get started. Just look at whichever sections are relevant to what you want to learn; e.g. the latter half of the post is mostly just explanation of theory that you may or may not be interested in. As a general caveat, there are exceptions to every rule, so I'm not claiming these are always the right thing to do. They are just good principles to follow absent any compelling reason not to; as you get better, you'll start recognizing when to deviate from certain rules.


Here are the five basic skills that I think every new player should start out trying to get decently good at.

1) Always be building peons (SCV/drone/probe) from your town hall (town hall (CC/hatchery/Nexus) and put the peons to use on minerals/gas. Don't ever stop. Your CC/Nexus should always be flashing, your main hatchery should always have at least one drone building from larva. If you need to queue up peons, do it, but try to avoid having to do that since it ties up resources. When you get gas, typically put a maximum of 4 peons on it if unless it's far away from your hall.

2) Never be held back by your supply limit. Always build supply early enough in advance so that you're not waiting for your next depot/overlord/pylon. E.G. Generally you should start building your first depot/overlord/pylon when your supply reads 8. In later game, build it much earlier if you're pumping units faster.

3) Try to keep your resources as close to zero as possible by spending whatever income you're getting. If you have a barraks, make sure it's always making marines. If it's making marines and you have leftover money in the bank, build another barraks or tech, expand, etc. Just don't let your money sit in the bank.

4) Dont make too much static defense (cannons/bunkers/turrets/sunkens/etc.). Build those minimally. E.G. 2-3 cannons is about enough for each base you have, use mobiles for the rest of your defense. If you follow steps 1-3 well, you should not have to build any static defense early. In recreational play, never incorporate an early sunken/cannon/bunker into your regular build, you do not need it. So, do not start off building a forge and cannons with Toss, make a gateway and zealots instead. If you're losing because of following this advice, ask on the forum and we'll help you figure out what you're doing wrong.

5) Scout early. You'll want to use either a peon or an overlord if you're Zerg. When your supply reads 10, take a peon off your resources and send him around the map. Just hold down shift and click on various spots on the minimap.


I would recommend the following steps to actually getting better at the game, working your way up from first computer opponents to real ones.

1) Go through the single player campaigns, at least the Terran one, they're fun and they teach you various basics. Make sure you log onto b.net at least once so you can get patched to the latest version. Don't worry too much about strategy when going through this; e.g. you may not be able to practice the Big Five in some missions if resources are limited or you're forced to build a lot of static defense to survive.

2) Next, try playing some 1on1's against the computer. I would pick simple maps like ladder/LostTemple or Challenger. Play until you can beat the computer consistently. Stick with one race, I recommend Protoss because they have the simplest build/economy structure but any race is fine.

3) Then try playing 1on1 against the computer without building any static defense until you can consistently beat it. Try to beat the computer as fast as possible, play aggressively and send your first units to attack when you get them, don't let any units sit in your base doing nothing but instead be constantly on the offensive.

4) Get online and play against real opponents. Start by creating "1on1 newbies only" games and kick out anyone who has an appreciable record, or not if you don't mind getting slaughtered. If you lose, save the replay, watch it, and figure out what your opponent did that beat you. Then try doing what he did against your next opponent. This way you're always copying people who are better than you. If you need practice, you can always play against the comp and get good at executing your learned strategy until you're comfortable with it.

5) If you can't get online and are creaming the computer regularly, try adding more computers. 1on2 should be manageable without having to build any static defense. If you can't do 1on2, do 2on3 where you ally yourself with one computer.

6) If you have specific questions about strats or things you've seen, post them in this forum. Do not post very generic questions like "How do I get better at Terran?", but rather stuff like, "My opponent made a bunch of wraiths in my last TvT game, I have no idea why but he did beat me, can you explain that strat?" Do not post those kinds of questions in this thread; this post's intention is to give a broad overview of general strats versus race-specific help such as counters and build orders.


Let me explain some of the rationale behind the Big Five now. For basics, my philosophy is that economic management is the key to any RTS and thus should be the first thing you learn how to get good at. If you can get money in as fast as possible, and spend it as fast as possible, then you'll do pretty well, and that's what the Big Five focuses on. If on the other hand, your opponent attacks you and you die with 1000 minerals in the bank, that's wasted money that could have e.g. been another 10 zealots or what not and you may have survived the attack. Making peons constantly means that you are getting resources as fast as possible. Peons make up for their cost very quickly. There is a limit to the number of useful peons you can have especially on smaller maps since only one peon can mine minerals at once, but I wouldn't worry about that for now. Most newer players forget to make peons and thus never come anywhere close to reaching that point. If you are oversaturated, it's no big deal at the recreational level.

At recreational level, I also believe it is more important to make sure you're spending your money on SOMETHING, versus fretting about the best unit or tactic to use. We can talk about specific tactics for race matchups, but that's more advanced and is likely to cause you to focus more on advanced stuff versus making sure you have the basics. I could e.g. teach you one tactic that can win you most of your newbie games with little effort, but that doesn't buy you much in the long run. Instead, for now, just make sure you build anything with your money so that it doesn't sit around in your bank account. Good things to spend your money on include: 1) more units 2) more unit-producing buildings like rax/gateway/hatcheries 3) upgrades 4) expansions (building a CC/Nexus/hatchery near another group of minerals).

For Protoss, for example, you'll start off making probes and probably build your first gateway. When that gateway is done, start making zealots out of it while you're still making probes and pylons. At some point, you'll have enough money to build another gateway, an assimilator for gas, or a cybernetics core for tech. Doesn't matter what you make, just choose one of those and build it. In later game, the principle is usually:

1) Look at your production buildings, make sure they're all making something (zealot, goon, carrier, whatever).

2) If they are all making units and you still have enough money for another production building, start on one.

It's not uncommon in later game for you to have 10 gateways by this principle, especially if you're playing on large maps with lots of resources.

As a general principle, try to avoid queueing for creating units as Terran/Toss, because this ties up resources. If you queue up 5 SCVs in your CC, that means there is 4 SCV's worth of minerals that's waiting to be used but is not actively being used, this is 200/0 worth of resources that could be going towards your next barraks or supply depot immediately. For a more extreme example, suppose you have one starport with 5 battlecruisers queued up. Four of those battlecruisers aren't actually being built so the queue is just tying up resources. You should instead have 3 starports building 1 battlecruiser each.

Queues are a convenience but have their drawbacks. In late game, you can't be producing at 100% efficiency such that you start a new unit everytime the previous is finished, and you'll probably have some surplus of resources so queueing may not tie up your resources significantly. But at least in early game, try to never have more than 2 units, even if that, in your production queue.


As you do get better and start figuring out what to build, that's when scouting becomes important. You send an early scout out for two reasons. One is to start getting to know the map, even from basics such as whether you're on a land or island. The second is to find your opponent's base and get some idea of what he's doing, such as what race he is. In advanced play, recon is very important, as most decisions are not made blindly. Heavy emphasis is placed on figuring out some way to take a peek at what your opponent is doing and then to adjust what you're doing based on that.


Static defense is all structures that have an attack. A common question is, "Why not build a lot of cannons and static defense? Cannons are great units -- they detect, fire at land and air, have awesome range, and straight up will kill units better than most other Toss units for the same cost." Cannons are deliberately made better than mobile units where the tradeoff is that they DON'T MOVE. You cannot beat your opponent by having a well defended base. A good opponent will see this and just leave you alone while taking expansion spots around the rest of the map. Remember that at your level of play, economics has a huge impact on winning or losing. If your opponent has 2 bases and you have 1, it doesn't matter how well defended your base is, you're going to lose in the long run.

Sadly, playing single player missions tends to encourage mass static defense. Building cannons works great against the computer because it'll just mindlessly throw forces at your cannons and get them slaughtered. Some single player missions are in fact very hard to beat without building static defense. This encourages very bad habits for multiplayer. The computer isn't smart enough to figure out that it should just ignore your cannons. You can build a bunch of tanks and bunkers and then go out to lunch, and when you come back the computer will have no units and no resources because it wasted them all against your defenses. Players will not do this, though.

Getting more concrete, suppose you start out building 3 cannons early. That's great defense and your opponent will see this when he scouts you. This is good news for him though because he knows you've been spending money on defense versus mobile units so he's safe from being attacked by you. 3 cannons is a bit more cost than a Nexus, so this means that if you both are getting resources at the same rate, he can for that same money plop down a Nexus at the nearest resource node for free. Now you're essentially going to be fighting one base against two, and you will lose unless out of some miracle.


I will now address the issue of map choice, as an addendum in response to comments below. My intention is not to make a strong statement that will cause controversy, but to share some knowledge that can help you make informed decisions.

There are generally two broad classifications of maps, so-called normal maps versus money maps. Money maps have overwhelming resources, enough that you will never have to worry about expanding or running dry. This includes zero clutter map, big game hunters, and fastest maps. Money maps simplify the game in many ways because you can focus just on one base strategies. And it makes some parts of basic skills more challenging because, for example, it's much hardeer to keep your resources near zero and it's not atypical to max out on 200 supply and still have near infinite amount of resources. On the other hand, money maps tend to reward strategies that are typically not feasible in other games, such as turtling (building a lot of static defense) and teching to capital units such as carriers, i.e. "turtle & tech".

If you folow the Big Five principle on those maps, you should still have an advantage over someone who does not because e.g. he builds many cannons. But, it is far easier at a beginner level to win by turtle & tech than to play conventionally, so money maps tend to favor these kinds of tactics at that level.

The type of map and experience you choose for yourself is up to you, and e.g. the vast majority of recreational Starcraft players prefer money maps because those simply the game to an extent that they don't have to learn some aspects of the Big Five. My only strong recommendation is that you start with land maps, since island maps add a whole new level of complexity and at beginner level usually involve memorizing some canned build order and attack regardless of the situation.

One of the frustrating parts about Starcraft is learning to defend against rushes. Even new players can learn some build order that will work against most players since some attacks are easier to execute than defend against. A common one is a zergling rush where you don't make any drones and just build an early spawning pool, this is a "do or die" attack but it often works against recreational players. If you follow the Big Five, you should be well equipped to deal with any early game attack. If you are attacked before you have many units, use your workers for defense. If you are attacked and have units but don't have enough, the solution is NEVER to build static defense. Watch the replay and see how he got so many units, it's likely that he either has better economy management, or more unit producing structures. For example, if you build a cybernetics core and gas for tech and he builds 2 gateways, then you will probably get run over by superior forces. Just modify your build order next time so that you don't tech as fast, but instead make early units. Just remember, there is NEVER a need a to build static defense to stop early rushes in recreational level. You should always be able to adjust your build or use workers.

If you want to learn more about advanced tactics, I would recommend watching replays on sites such as WGTour ( http://www.wgtour.com/rep.php?datab=broodwar ). Just click on the replays and save them to your "maps" directory. Watch how the pros play, and ask questions here about things you don't understand and we'll be happy to explain.

Overall, pay attention to your resources and learn by watching your opponent's replays when you get beat. Ask questions here for anything you're confused about. Check out the Starcraft Compendium ( http://www.battle.net/scc/ ) since it overall has pretty good advice. Get good at the Big Five. Watch your replays afterward to make sure you are actually building peons nonstop and that you're not letting money stockpile. Good luck.
l(13)hww19(威望:43) l 2005-05-09 22:50:58 l  sd l Posts: 555
r  真长啊
l(14)Ulster(威望:2) l 2005-05-09 22:54:02 l  武汉 l Posts: 228
l(15)billyboy(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 22:56:45 l  swufe l Posts: 292
l(16)keakon(威望:47) l 2005-05-09 22:59:55 l  YY611 l Posts: 1145
l(17)hww19(威望:43) l 2005-05-09 23:02:01 l  sd l Posts: 555
l(18)future2031(威望:3) l 2005-05-09 23:02:46 l  N/A l Posts: 336
l(19)beartiger(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 23:05:17 l  usa l Posts: 77
l(20)viva_rush(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 23:13:50 l  Snow_Dk l Posts: 156
l(21)NTTfans(威望:9) l 2005-05-09 23:14:40 l  水瓶宫 l Posts: 833
to all: gan kuai GG !
l(22)hawklqw(威望:3) l 2005-05-09 23:15:06 l  北京 l Posts: 1750
l(23)nopassword(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 23:22:45 l  china l Posts: 1
l(24)INLEEK(威望:5) l 2005-05-09 23:23:38 l  bj l Posts: 138
l(25)SC Forever(威望:4) l 2005-05-09 23:25:17 l  深圳 l Posts: 277



另外,星际的五大原则2  造第一个人口,诔跗冢梢悦吭旒父霰ㄉ褡逡恢炼觯┚凸鄄煲幌氯丝谏舷蕖R坏┲皇O?个以下人口上限的时候   有乱码
l(26)guow88liu(威望:0) l 2005-05-09 23:38:36 l  云南。昆明 l Posts: 156
写的不错 ~像我一样的才鸟一定要看啊!!!
l(27)qzjjp(威望:1) l 2005-05-09 23:54:42 l  NJ l Posts: 58
l(28)forlee1982(威望:0) l 2005-05-10 00:12:23 l  湖南 l Posts: 3
l(29)forlee1982(威望:0) l 2005-05-10 00:15:08 l  湖南 l Posts: 3
l(30)gnail(威望:3) l 2005-05-10 00:49:11 l  guang xi l Posts: 1474
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