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录像名称|Name: [1stPersonVOD]Nada vs Yooi(Nada视角)
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263 comment(s) total. 9 page(s). >> 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|
l(31)scyang(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 11:26:51 l  深圳 l Posts: 632
hehe 这么精彩啊
l(32)piaoguodong(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 11:39:29 l  我心中的爱---遥远 l Posts: 220
to 29楼的,你这个心态真不好,优势我们要保持,但劣势我们要赶上啊。。如果都象你这样,只看到自己的长处就满足,而不努力上进,那中国怎么会发展。。。
  to 28楼的,你说一切都要靠职业化?那你怎么不想想为什么中国没有职业化?难道中国玩家少吗?难道中国政治原因?还是我们没有努力去做?不要找什么客观原因。。
l(33)Rolse(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 11:51:17 l  N/A l Posts: 558
l(34)我爱苏丹丹(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 11:54:00 l  四川省 l Posts: 130
to 32楼:这个不是心态问题,是楼上的那位仁兄说的我生气,我只是表达一下咱正在努力,虽然很遥遥无期,但是在遥远上天天能看到那么多评论,难道这不叫努力?
l(35)changgong(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 11:55:52 l  123 l Posts: 19
l(36)butcher71(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 11:59:18 l  太原 l Posts: 14
l(37)27149(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 12:01:51 l  shandong l Posts: 62
to 32我也学你一把。to 一下。哈哈
l(38)yuren100(威望:3) l 2004-02-16 12:22:28 l  bj l Posts: 60
l(39)liuyu_02(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 12:29:27 l  Chian l Posts: 126


l(40)jinketwo(威望:1) l 2004-02-16 12:35:11 l  anhui l Posts: 208
l(41)jinketwo(威望:1) l 2004-02-16 12:38:38 l  anhui l Posts: 208
l(42)陷阱(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 12:52:37 l  陷阱 l Posts: 176
l(43)yuren100(威望:3) l 2004-02-16 12:52:42 l  bj l Posts: 60
l(44)GodKillEr(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 13:01:53 l  海外 l Posts: 88
l(45)[Y.L]luck(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 13:33:45 l  河北省 l Posts: 40
l(46)red...~w(威望:2) l 2004-02-16 13:39:09 l  石家庄 l Posts: 256
l(47)[Y.L]luck(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 13:46:52 l  河北省 l Posts: 40
l(48)iloveSelina(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 13:47:39 l  CHina l Posts: 116
yooi就是占优势后 太傲了
l(49)nadasuperfan(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 13:48:18 l  上海 l Posts: 11
This article has been rated 6.7/10 (7 votes)

A little intreview with the most famouse chinese player:
Lets start with some personal things: Name, Age, Country, Occupation, Girlfriend?

LinYu)Pj: My name is Sha Jun Chun and I’m 19 years old. I live in Chinanickv. and I have gf ^^
LinYu)Pj: and by the way my english not well

Thats np. Let's come to your hobbies. What are you doing when you are not playing broodwar ?

LinYu)Pj: Hm... I like music, book and chat with friend.

What music do you like? You got some special bands?

LinYu)Pj: R&B
LinYu)Pj: No

When did you start playing broodwar and how did you come to it ?
LinYu)Pj: Maybe four years or three years and a half ago I begin brood war.
LinYu)Pj: I come to it o­nly for fun
LinYu)Pj: I think just this
LinYu)Pj: ^^

How much time do you spend for playing broodwar a day ?

LinYu)Pj: Two years ago I play the game 10hours+/day but now maybe 5-7game/day maybe never game/week

10 hours a day...that's really much!

LinYu)Pj: sure
LinYu)Pj: that time
LinYu)Pj: I play gamei and uswest

Did you go to school at that point of time ?

LinYu)Pj: no - I am never a good school
LinYu)Pj: never a good student

What is your favourite race at the moment ?

LinYu)Pj: Hm..
LinYu)Pj: in fact now i am Terran+Protoss User
LinYu)Pj: i play tvz tvp pvt these matchup
LinYu)Pj: others matchup i no like and no good
LinYu)Pj: my fav race is protoss

Do you got any special unit in broodwar ?

LinYu)Pj: hm...
LinYu)Pj: none
LinYu)Pj: my apm low
LinYu)Pj: can not win good zerg in tvz

You said, that you played like 10hours a day some time ago..
have you won any money or prices by playing broodwar?

LinYu)Pj: sure

Can or would you like to say what ?!

LinYu)Pj: i can
LinYu)Pj: i can not tell you all

Okay, no problem.

LinYu)Pj: but i win china 2003 wcg
LinYu)Pj: and many many lan game

What are you other accounts?

LinYu)Pj: My aka is Pj
LinYu)Pj: and others id many many
LinYu)Pj: such as fav_mygirl loner projava castor and so o­n

What are plans for your future? Still keep playing broodwar?
Or switch to wc3?

LinYu)Pj: Hm...I do not clear but now someone invite me to be a pro gamer

Sounds good :]

LinYu)Pj: yes just sounds ^^

Do have anything you want to tell us? Like greetings, any shoutouts ?

LinYu)Pj: keke
LinYu)Pj: hmm...

Like some kind words to your girlfriend

LinYu)Pj: ok
LinYu)Pj: you have my words i will love you forever

Hehe ok thank you for the interview and good luck in future and wgt finals.

LinYu)Pj: gl to you
LinYu)Pj: and gl to your web
l(50)不是女人(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 14:02:38 l  hainan l Posts: 395
l(51)liuyu_02(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 14:25:02 l  Chian l Posts: 126
What are you other accounts?

LinYu)Pj: My aka is Pj
LinYu)Pj: and others id many many
LinYu)Pj: such as fav_mygirl loner projava castor and so o­n
问: 你的其他账号是什么??
PJ:  我主要用PJ,还有很多其他的,例如:
    loner projava castor 等等

  fav_mygirl   ????!!!!!
l(52)liuyu_02(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 14:26:44 l  Chian l Posts: 126
l(53)e9527(威望:1) l 2004-02-16 14:34:20 l  重庆 l Posts: 733
l(54)piaoguodong(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 15:09:52 l  我心中的爱---遥远 l Posts: 220
l(55)choice(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 15:09:54 l  江西 l Posts: 59
Deprecated: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/yy8da.com/yaoyuan.com/include/func_common.php on line 130
Originally posted by e9527 at 2004-02-16 14:34:20:

l(56)smilefish(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 15:12:56 l  hangzhou l Posts: 35
l(57)piaoguodong(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 15:18:20 l  我心中的爱---遥远 l Posts: 220
l(58)e9527(威望:1) l 2004-02-16 15:35:52 l  重庆 l Posts: 733
l(59)iamkor(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 15:40:58 l  yb l Posts: 110
to 10,16,27,32,54,57楼, 以后不要说你认识我,太丢人了!!!!

l(60)雨夜裸奔者(威望:0) l 2004-02-16 15:43:35 l  无锡 l Posts: 59
263 comment(s) total. 9 page(s). >> 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|
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